Some Volvos, yesterday
Volvo has announced that from 2019 every car it makes with come with a reusable plastic bag you can take into the supermarket.
The Swedish company’s bold announcement is said to be in response to customer feedback which says that Volvo drivers are particularly concerned about arriving at the supermarket and then remembering they haven’t brought their own bag from home and getting the sinking feeling that the people who work in the supermarket are going to judge them for it.
‘It’s not the small outlay to buy another bag,’ explained Volvo boss Wol Voboss. ‘It’s the guilt at having to buy it, and that’s why Volvo is going full bag for life by 2019.’
Other manufacturers are expect to follow Volvo’s lead in the next few years, though none will confirm their plans at present. ‘We are actively developing bags for life for our cars,’ confirmed a spokesman for another major manufacturer. ‘But for the time being, we believe our customers are happy to say “oh bollocks, I forgot to bring a fucking bag again” and then struggle back across the car park cradling some bread, bog roll, a bag of salad and a massive plastic flagon of milk in their bare hands.’